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2024-12-05 장시앙, 김선웅, 박성아, 김연호
2024-12-05 장시앙, 김선웅, 박성아, 김연호
작성자 김진형
조회수 36 등록일 2024.12.06
이메일 hsc502@naver.com
1. 장시앙
Heat exposure impairs porcine oocyte quality with suppressed actin expression in cumulus in cumulus cells and disrupted F-actin formation in transzonal projections 

2. 김선웅 
Single-cell analysis of bovine muscle-derived cell types for cultures meat production 

3. 박성아 
Role of the stromal cell derived factor-1 in the biological functions of endothelial progenitor cells and its underlying mechanisms 

4. 김연호
초음파를 활용한 우리흑돈의 근내지방 형질에 대한 유전모수 추정 				